Learn how to choose which instrument to record, how to best pre-plan your recording session, choose which microphones and pre-amps to use and how to get your recording environment set up correctly.
Learn about how best to set your recording levels, how to organise your session, tips for working with the session player, how to manage the instrument, how to keep tuning consistent and more.
Learn how best to use noise reduction on samples, pre-processing, pitch correction, session organisation, workflow, the waveform, chopping samples, transients, fades and fade types, naming structure, exporting your samples and more.
Learn the basics of Kontakt scripting, extending the key ranges, working with groups & round robins, using automap, adding effects, adding factory scripts, adding custom wallpapers, adding a custom impulse response, exporting your instrument and more!
A 62 page guide written specifically about advertising and selling sample libraries.
Learn about product pricing, copywriting, press releases, email marketing, systems for increasing revenue, tools for growth, Facebook advertising, analytics, useful marketing tools and more!
An 18 page guide discussing webhosting and eCommerce solutions.
Learn about setting up your domain name and hosting, which platform to use (WooCommerce, Shopify etc.), how to design your website, eCommerce solutions to use, VATMOSS and additional useful web tools.
A 55 page guide which is an evenly paced beginners guide to Kontakt Scripting and graphics.
It requires no programming experience and starts with the basics, gradually building up to more complex ideas. Learn about the scripting language, the KS editor, graphics and more.
An in-depth audio interview with Mario Krušelj aka. “Evil Dragon”.
Over 1 hour in length (available in multiple formats), the interview offers a insight into the world of a professional full-time Kontakt scripter as he discusses what advice he would give people starting and many other useful tips.
There are 3 versions of The Sampling Handbook available, each offering something for everyone.
The Sampling Handbook, Kontakt Script: A Beginners Guide, Audiobook, Video Series, WAV samples, Kontakt Scripter Interview, Sales & Marketing Manual and Website Hosting & eCommerce Guide LEARN MORE LESS
The Sampling Handbook, Kontakt Script: A Beginners Guide, Audiobook & Kontakt Scripter Interview LEARN MORE LESS
The Sampling Handbook by itself LEARN MORE LESS
The Premium Bundle consists of all of the resources available to help you in the world of sampling. It includes 4 eBooks, an audiobook version of The Sampling Handbook, a huge video series to accompany the Sampling Handbook, audio interview and .WAV files for you to practice with.
150 pages in total, this eBook covers everything you need to know to record, edit and create your own sample library from scratch
Learn more Hide55 pages on scripting for Kontakt including the scripting language, KS editor and graphics.
Learn more HideThe narrated version of the Sampling Handbook in 128kbps MP3 format so you can listen while on the go.
Learn more Hide15 videos (ranging from 5-50 mins in length) covering the topics discussed in the Sampling Handbook in more depth.
Learn more HideThe ultimate guide to creating your own sample library.
Written by Marcus Huyskens, the Sampling Handbook is jam packed with all of the information required for you to create your own sample library. The eBook is broken down into 3 main sections:
Kontakt scripting for beginner and intermediate levels
Written by Sam Windell, this eBook is the perfect guide to scripting for Kontakt and the KSP language. Its 55 pages in total and written for someone with no experience or some experience with Kontakt scripting. The eBook is laid out in 3 main sections:
The narrated version of the Sampling Handbook
Too busy to read the entire Sampling Handbook? Pop the audiobook onto your iPod and listen to it on the go or in your car! Its available in 128kbps MP3 format and narrated in an easy to digest manner.
Have a listen to the sample in the Soundcloud Player!
HideA huge video series which is the perfect accompaniment to the rest of the materials. There are 15 videos in total, each covering a different topic in detail:
A collection of unedited raw samples for you to use as practice in creating your own instrument.
Learn more HideA 1 hr interview with Mario Krušelj aka. Evil Dragon who is one of the most well known scripters in the industry
Learn more Hide61 pages of sales and marketing information, resources, advice and tips for launch and post-launch of your product.
Learn more Hide12 pages of information on website development, hosting, platforms and eCommerce solutions
Learn more HideThere are 4 .WAV files included. Each of these .WAV files has multiple takes of the notes C3, D3, E3 and F3, played on a thumb piano in a studio with 3 dynamic layers for each take.
These samples are perfect to use in conjunction with the eBooks and video series to practice editing samples, pitch correction, batch renaming, mapping in Kontakt and creating and exporting your own Kontakt sample library.
(NB. These samples are for practice use and may not be used in a commercial release)
Hide1 hr audio interview with Mario Krušelj aka “Evil Dragon”
In this audio interview, Mario discusses a number of topics over the course of an hour including:
Information & advice from a store owner who turns over €250k per year
VSTBuzz is a music software store offering deals on some of the best music software in the industry. In 2015, the store turned over more than €255,000 so Emmett has a lot of experience in selling software. The eBook is divided into 4 main chapters:
The perfect resource for getting your website setup from scratch
This guide offers you a great overview of how to get started with setting up your own store from choosing your domain name, the whole way to setting up your payment solutions. The eBook is split into 3 main sections:
8 products in total including 4 eBooks, an audiobook version of The Sampling Handbook, a huge video series to accompany the Sampling Handbook, audio interview and .WAV files for you to practice with.
€199 Buy NowThe Developer Bundle consists of the two main eBooks – The Sampling Handbook and the Kontakt Script: A Beginners Guide eBook, as well as the audiobook version of the Sampling Handbook.
€129 Buy Now150 pages in total, this eBook covers everything you need to know to record, edit and create your own sample library from scratch
Learn more Hide55 pages on scripting for Kontakt including the scripting language, KS editor and graphics.
Learn more HideA 1 hr interview with Mario Krušelj aka. Evil Dragon who is one of the most well known scripters in the industry
Learn more HideThe narrated version of the Sampling Handbook in 128kbps MP3 format so you can listen while on the go.
Learn more HideThe ultimate guide to creating your own sample library.
Written by Marcus Huyskens, the Sampling Handbook is jam packed with all of the information required for you to create your own sample library. The eBook is broken down into 3 main sections:
Kontakt scripting for beginner and intermediate levels
Written by Sam Windell, this eBook is the perfect guide to scripting for Kontakt and the KSP language. Its 55 pages in total and written for someone with no experience or some experience with Kontakt scripting. The eBook is laid out in 3 main sections:
1 hr audio interview with Mario Krušelj aka “Evil Dragon”
In this audio interview, Mario discusses a number of topics over the course of an hour including:
Too busy to read the entire Sampling Handbook? Pop the audiobook onto your iPod and listen to it on the go or in your car! Its available in 128kbps MP3 format and narrated in an easy to digest manner.
Have a listen to the sample in the Soundcloud Player!
4 products in total including The Sampling Handbook, Kontakt Scipt: A Beginner's Guide, the audiobook version of the Sampling handbook and audio interview.
€129 Buy NowThis is the standalone version of The Sampling Handbook with no additional extras included. Perfect if you’d like to get your feet wet, or you’re unsure if the higher packages are right for you.
€39 Buy Now
The standalone version of The Sampling Handbook - 150 page eBook guiding you through the entire process of creating a sample library from scratch including the recording, editing and scripting phases.
€39 Buy NowYes the eBook costs €39 and it’s well worth it! It’s taken over a year to write it, weighs in at nearly 150 pages and contains over 10 years of experience in sampling for Kontakt. It’s the equivalent cost of 10 cups of coffee for 144 pages of information on sampling and scripting!
Yes absolutely! If you buy the Sampling Handbook or The Developer Bundle. you can simply go to the Upgrade page which allows you to upgrade your bundle to the next package. We don’t offer the products as standalone products (ie. you can’t just buy the video series by itself).
The unedited samples that are included are only for educational purposes and to be used in conjunction with the video series and eBook for practice. They may not be used to create your own commercial release.
Yes! The Sampling Handbook by itself has all of the information required for you to record, edit and script a basic Kontakt sample library while the additional materials go into more detail of scripting, workflow, sales and marketing.
If you’re looking to get your feet wet, the Solo Edition is great. If you have some experience or want to get to the next level, the Developer Bundle is perfect. If you want to setup your own company and sell sample libraries, The Developer Bundle is the right one for you.
All of the eBooks are in PDF format. The audiobook and interview are in 320kbps and 128kbps MP3. The video series is accessible via a private login area and has all of the videos ready to stream immediately so you never have to download it.
Marcus is the founder of Bad Cat Samples - a company offering beautiful, raw sounding, single instrument Kontakt sample libraries. Marcus is the main writer of the Sampling Handbook and brings his years of experience in recording, editing and creating Kontakt instruments to the bundle.
Emmett is the founder of VSTBuzz - a music software deals website offering exclusive deals on plugins, soundsets and sample libraries every week. He brings his experience in sales and marketing for sample libraries to the bundle.
Sam is the founder of FrozenPlain - a company developing instrumental and sound design Kontakt libraries. Sam has a number of years experience as a highly proficient scripter for Kontakt and is the sole writer of "Kontakt Script: A Beginners Guide".
The Sampling Handbook provided me with all the information I needed to properly record acoustic instruments and turn them into Kontakt instruments.
It something I wasn’t planning to do, but now that I know how to do it, I have all kinds of new ideas for Kontakt instruments I would have never thought about before reading the book!
Great thorough and thoughtful guide from the point of view of an experienced developer.
Not only it gets anyone introduced into the passionate world of creating sample libraries but also describes in detail every tip and trick a pro could be looking for!
Highly recommended!
I highly recommend the Sales & Marketing manual to anyone looking to start a business selling Kontakt libraries. It’s full of information I wish I had had two years ago when I started Ivy Audio.
If you’ve built some great Kontakt instruments, but aren’t totally sure how to go about selling them, its a must-have.